Sunday, October 19, 2008

Todays service was powerful!!Charleston preached for the first time in main service and it was so powerful!!really impacted me..and somehow it really rings a bell,this sermon he preached..cos it was a bit like that time Dominic preach in Heart to Heart chalet.Same verse...Exodus 18:17-22...and talked about Fear of God too!!so cool,our leaders really flow man!haha

Charleston also talked about how we share the burden,and be dedicated,as a leader!like bearing the burden with our church with our leaders,even in times of trouble,we will stand BY our leaders,not just behind them!
Charleston said that we have to be dedicated and committed to our people that we lead..we nurture them and be responsible for their destiny!if we dont teach them they will not be able to reach their destiny.sad.
At near the end of the sermon,Charleston said that if we are leaders,people will follow us.We are examples to them,then i feel something in the spirit move,then God told me that if i wanna be a leader,i will have to be a good example,good testimony,to show my followers,if i am a bad example,they will follow me,and be a bad example i think God is telling me to be a good testimony,to set a good example,and to bring the people i lead next time to their destiny!

This reminds me of the bible verse in Matthew 7:20 [Thus,by their fruit u will recognise them].so true..if we are good testimonies people will start to notice school,in everywhere! then revival in school sure will happen one.
yea thats all..time to dota =) 

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