Thursday, September 4, 2008

Heart to Heart Chalet

Just came back from chalet today!super fun!!All the food and games... especially like the food from changi village wah the bbq stingray OWNS!haha plus the chicken chop hor fun and sugar cane meal of this week man =) then we talked about how there was this time a sugar cane drink stall got cases of food poisoning because the cat pee and the sugar cane absorbed it and people drank that sugar gross we even made a short video of it.starring:Godric Ang

so that was it.we went back to chalet and dominic preached to us about leadership!!first part was great.6 things what a leader They PRAY!bring their difficulties to Leaders Teach!no.3 Leaders show the way to walk!no.4 Leaeders show the work to Leaders get to select other Leaders organise,structure,Administrate!.thats part one..part two was the best!!Dom talked about the fear of God!that all the power bible characters had the fear of God in them!Jesus,David,Job,Nehemiah,Cornelius,Abraham..THEY ALL HAD THE FEAR OF GOD!!yea and he said this.while love of God draws us to is the fear of God that keeps us away from sin.To be a leader we must HAVE THE FEAR OF GOD!after that dom prayed for us and he prayed for me and said.I've been trying to live up to others mom,my friends.but now i dont have to do all this.just do whatever that's right and do it for God!i dont have to care about what others say or their opinion of me!I feel that God wants me to rise up and do things for the Glory of God!and not do for others do the right things with the fear of God and i will be successful both spiritually and in my life!!

After that we went to eat and and godric go and use the toothpaste to do something =) see for yourself LOL

yea and after that we turned of lights..and im the only one its my turn to do on godric!! =) sad dont have video haha..thats all for today.
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